Remember to Remember
Remember to remember. I like it! Why? Because let’s face it, as mothers our minds run in 100 different directions, and we need a reminder every once in a while!
In this week’s lessons, Jean encourages us to focus on our spiritual condition. The challenge here is to evaluate whether we are “baby” Christians only able to feed on the milk of the Word, or are we growing, maturing Christians ready for the solid food of God’s Word. We have to remember to remember by being doers of the Word and not hearers only (James 1:22), putting into practice the sound teaching we are receiving from others and the guidance we are receiving from the Holy Spirit so that we can grow deeper in our relationship with the Lord (Col. 2:7). God’s challenge for me in this area is to be more diligent to memorize scripture and to read his Word and also to be still in my prayer time allowing Him to speak to me.
Convictions. We learned on Day 1 that we are free to choose but we are not free of the consequences attached to our actions. The question that really hit home for me: Am I a stepping stone or a stumbling block in my husband and children’s lives? This should be a question we ask ourselves daily. Thankfully, our Lord is faithful. He will tell us whether we are right or wrong and His power will help us do as we should (Rom. 14:4).
Ironically enough, my pastor preached this past Sunday on finishing strong. He noted that one of the things that keep us from finishing strong is that we compromise our convictions. Conversely, one of the things that enables someone to finish strong is that they live by their convictions not their emotions, or in other words, by faith not by sight (2 Cor. 5:7). Let’s formulate our personal convictions under the direction of the Holy Spirit and allow him to guide and direct our lives.
Lastly, but perhaps most importantly for us girls, is the challenge on Day 3 to “Mind Your Own Bee’s Wax.” It’s hard, isn’t it! We want to be right up in everyone’s business! But what a healthy reminder from Jean that “one of the reasons so many moms are exhausted is that they are involved in things that are none of their business. They have taken on burdens that God has not assigned them. They waste their precious limited supply of emotional energy on things that do not involve them, rendering them unavailable for the things that do” (p.106-107).
Did that strike a chord with anyone besides me? I remember in a past study, Jean taught us that a need does not necessitate a call. Just because there is a need doesn’t mean you are the one that’s supposed to meet it. Just because something is good doesn’t mean its God’s best for you. What does it do to our husband and our children when we carelessly exhaust the grace and emotional energy God has granted us for this day in the wrong places? We have nothing left to give them or to give God.
Let’s strive to be a usable vessel for the Lord by being pure and holy in His sight. I was reminded of Jean telling us that we can’t be perfect but we can be blameless before the Father. Let’s get clean and stay clean, keeping short accounts with the Lord.
Remember to remember. Let’s do it in order to grow deeper in our walk with Christ, to establish godly convictions that allow us to walk in obedience to the Lord, to allow the Lord to determine our priorities and to remain pure and holy in His sight. Let’s run well and finish strong!
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